
In Good Company
Keim is proud to be a member of the following professional associations and trade organizations.

East Central Ohio Building Industry Association
The East Central Ohio Building Industry Association was chartered in 1955, is a volunteer trade organization representing the building industry and its partners. We are associated with the Ohio Home Builders Association and the National Association of Home Builders and as such are part of an organization 235,000 strong. The ECO-BIA has grown steadily in the past 10 years. In 1998, the BIA took first place honors in state and national membership growth and retention in its size category. The ECO-BIA has the foresight to serve as well as build our communities. They are very active and maintain a credible influence on every aspect of the building trades industry and the local housing market.

Holmes County Chamber of Commerce
The purpose of the Holmes County Chamber of Commerce is to provide leadership, vision, and a better quality of life in Holmes County; to improve opportunities for existing and new economic endeavors; to maintain our sense of identity as a community; and to produce a special place for individuals to work, live, shop, and visit.

Home Builders Association of Wayne and Holmes Counties
The Home Builders Association of Wayne and Holmes Counties is committed to professional excellence and dedicated to promoting its members, furthering consumer knowledge, and serving the community. They are a professional, non-profit, trade association affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders and the Ohio Home Builders Association. Its goals are the promotion of new home construction and home remodeling, membership education, consumer education, and sensible regulations dealing with home construction. Its paramount responsibility is to its customer, community, and country

National Association of Home Builders
The National Association of Home Builders exists to represent the building industry by serving its members and affiliated state and local builders associations. To achieve an overall mission of member satisfaction, NAHB concentrates on the following goals: balanced national legislative, regulatory, and judicial public policy; public appreciation for the importance of housing and those who provide it; the premier resource for industry information, education, research, and technical expertise; improved business performance of its members and affiliates; effective management of staff, financial, and physical resources to satisfy the association's needs.

Ohio Home Builders Association
The Ohio Home Builders Association is a 8,000-plus member trade association representing home builders and their associate vendors in a legislative and regulatory advocacy capacity on a statewide basis. OHBA serves its membership by promoting proactive involvement on state issues and legislation impacting the residential building industry, wetlands, affordable housing, workers compensation, etc. OHBA will continue to serve its members as the voice of the building industry on a state level.

Wood Component Manufacturers Association (WCMA)
The Wood Component Manufacturers Association (WCMA) represents manufacturers of dimension and wood component products who can supply any component you might need for cabinetry, furniture, architectural millwork, closets, flooring, staircases, building materials, and decorative/specialty wood products made from hardwoods, softwoods, and a variety of engineered wood materials. WCMA member companies are located throughout the United States and Canada

Wood Products Manufacturers Association
The mission of the Wood Products Manufacturers Association is to provide its members with the tools to help their business succeed. It provides its members with the finest information resources and services available. It takes a personal interest in your business and wants to be an important part of your success story. The association acts as a clearing house for solving problems of mutual concern and assists members in controlling costs. It promotes healthy, profitable business environments and educational opportunities that assist members in developing skills for more competitive business operations.